Sekolah tempat saya mengajar menyelenggarakan acara Open House hari Sabtu lalu. Saya bolak-balik sana-sini hingga nongkrong di depan panggung utama, berlama-lama terpapar cahaya matahari. Akibatnya, punggung tangan bruntusan, berbintik-bintik, merah dan gatal. Sebetulnya saya yakin, setelah beberapa hari dioles tender care caramel, akan sembuh sih... tangan ini. Akan mulus lembut kembali (ehm). Tapi ada yang saya lupa, bahwa sebenarnya saya sudah punya produk SOL sun cream SPF50, tabir surya yang bisa membuat kulit saya terlindung dari pengaruh negatif sinar matahari. Dasar pelupa!
Ayo ayo... untuk yang kulitnya sensitif terhadap sinar matahari, ayo lindungi dengan sun cream dari Oriflame. Bulan Maret ini, SOL sun cream SPF25 diskon lagi. Dapatkan dengan Rp 89.000,- saja (harga normal Rp 129.000,-)
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The school where I teach held Open House event last Saturday. I was busy walking around here and there till I hung out in front of the main stage, and got a long exposure by sunlight. As a result, my back of hands hot freckles, red and itchy. Actually, it will recover soon after I applied Tender Care caramel. My hands will be soft and moist again. But there is something that I forgot, that in fact I already have a product of SOL SPF50 sun cream, a sun cream shat can make my skin protected from the negative effects of sunlight. What a forgetful me!
Well... for anyone who has sensitive skin of sunlight exposure, let's protect it with this kind protection, SOL sun cream family. This March, SOL sun cream SPF25 is listed on discount. You can have it for Rp 89.000,- (normal price Rp 129.000,-)
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