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Ada tampilan para siswa, mulai anak-anak TK sampai SMP, walaupun tak bisa keseluruhannya saya lihat, karena saya sempat ikut jadi tim sibuk di belakang panggung, menyiapkan anak-anak kelas saya yang akan menyanyi maupun menari untuk tampil sebaik mungkin. Yang agak repot sih memang tim anak-anak kelas 1-3 SD yang tampil menari. Saya bantu-bantu sedikit, mulai dari mengenakan kostum tari berupa sarung batik dan kebaya modern, hingga mendandani mereka.
Ah... sebetulnya urusan mendandani sih saya lebih banyak jadi penonton. Saya belum terbiasa, walaupun dari rumah saya sudah siap dengan make-up serba Oriflame. Eyeliner stylo yang jadi favorit, ditambah lip gloss dan lipstick, rasanya tampilan keseluruhan sudah cukup berbeda dibanding hari-hari biasa. Tapi melihat murid-muridk yang didandani lengkap, hm... saya jadi mau juga nih nambah perona pipi. Minta sedikit ah, dari sang penata rias. Dan saya siap tampil di panggung.
Oh iya... saya ikut menyumbangkan satu tampilan. Berduet dengan seorang teman, dipadu petikan gitar cantik dari teman lainnya, kami membawakan satu lagu karya sendiri, Lestari. Persembahan untuk ibu. Tampilan kami mendapat apresiasi yang sangat positif dari pendengar. Semua terharu-biru. Partnerku yang sekaligus penata riasku (jieee...) menyempatkan diri untuk berkomentar, "Senang deh lihat mbak Diah dandan seperti ini. Cantiknya makin kelihatan." Whoa....! Kalau begini, nggak perlu blush on juga, pipi ini sudah bersemu merah secara otomatis. Ah, tapi tetep nih, kelihatannya blush on atau rouge akan masuk ke dalam daftar belanjaan bulan depan ;) Ada yang mau sekalian nitip? Atau langsung aja bergabung sebagai konsultan Oriflame, supaya dapat diskon untuk berbagai produk yang dibeli. Mari... tinggal isi form ini kok ;)
December 23, 2010, we had an event at school. It was progress report combined with belated celebration of mother's day. Yes, we supposed to celebrate mother's day on December 22.
There were some performances by the students, from kindergarten to Secondary students. I couldn't watch all of the performances, because I was quite busy backstage, helping my students who will perform. My Primary 2 students will sing, and others will perform a traditional dance. I helped them put on the costumes and make-up.
Umm... no, I didn't really help on the make-up thing. I'm not capable enough in it. I became the observer instead. Though I have put on my make-up, especially my favorite eyeliner stylo, plus lip gloss and lip stick. It made my appearance seems a bit different (to say it special ;)) from my daily routine. But seeing my students being make-up fully, I can't help but wanting for more. So I asked for a little blush on, then I'm ready to be on stage myself.
Oh yes, I was performing on stage. Singing one of my own song, entitled Lestari (Eternal). Duet with a friend, combined with a beautiful guitar playing by another friend, our performance was drawn positive appreciation from the listeners. I'm happy with it.
My partner took time to commented on my look, "It's good to see you put on make-up like today. It makes your beauty appeared in fully." She winked. Whoa ....! At this rate, I think I don't need any blush on to make my cheeks blushed automatically. Hm... but still, I think I will put blush on or rouge listed on my shopping list next month. Does anyone would want product from Oriflame as well? You can order through me, or joined as consultant to get certain amount of discount for any product purchased. Just simply fill in this form.
December 23, 2010, we had an event at school. It was progress report combined with belated celebration of mother's day. Yes, we supposed to celebrate mother's day on December 22.
There were some performances by the students, from kindergarten to Secondary students. I couldn't watch all of the performances, because I was quite busy backstage, helping my students who will perform. My Primary 2 students will sing, and others will perform a traditional dance. I helped them put on the costumes and make-up.
Umm... no, I didn't really help on the make-up thing. I'm not capable enough in it. I became the observer instead. Though I have put on my make-up, especially my favorite eyeliner stylo, plus lip gloss and lip stick. It made my appearance seems a bit different (to say it special ;)) from my daily routine. But seeing my students being make-up fully, I can't help but wanting for more. So I asked for a little blush on, then I'm ready to be on stage myself.
Oh yes, I was performing on stage. Singing one of my own song, entitled Lestari (Eternal). Duet with a friend, combined with a beautiful guitar playing by another friend, our performance was drawn positive appreciation from the listeners. I'm happy with it.
My partner took time to commented on my look, "It's good to see you put on make-up like today. It makes your beauty appeared in fully." She winked. Whoa ....! At this rate, I think I don't need any blush on to make my cheeks blushed automatically. Hm... but still, I think I will put blush on or rouge listed on my shopping list next month. Does anyone would want product from Oriflame as well? You can order through me, or joined as consultant to get certain amount of discount for any product purchased. Just simply fill in this form.
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