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13th catalogue dBC-N banner |
Hari terakhir 2010. Tadi malam, status dari seorang SM Oriflame, super leader-ku, mbak Dea, kubaca di halaman facebook. Mengabarkan recognisi beberapa orang new achiever di akhir tahun ini jelang detik-detik terakhir masa Tutup Poin. Wow... ada new Manager 15%, 2 orang new Manager 18 %, dan satu orang Senior Manager. Semuanya dBC-Ners. Wow... sungguh-sungguh menutup tahun ini dengan sebuah hentakan.
Siap kerja keras lagi di tahun 2011 nanti. Ayo, mau loncat level berapa kali? Tetapkan mulai hari ini. Bikin proposal hidup, yang realistis tapi cukup menantang. Bergerak maju, bekerja keras, bekerja cerdas. Bersama dBC-N, pasti bisa! Mau gabung bersama kami? Ayo, isi formnya sekarang. Dapatkan banyak keuntungan bergabung bersama group online pertama dan tercepat perkembangannya di Indonesia, juga yang tercepat di Asia. Wow...! Sudah bener banget nih aku di sini, supaya ketularan semangat dan etos kerjanya, bisa berguru dari upliners yang baik-baik, bisa juga 'didorong' oleh downliners yang penuh semangat (sebagai upliner, malu dong kalo kalah semangat ;))
Modal kecil, Rp 39.900,- saja. Sistem kerja sudah tinggal diunduh, dibaca, dan diaplikasikan. Hadiah dan berbagai produk gratis-an ataupun diskon-an tersedia kapan saja. Kurang apa coba, kerja di dBC-N ini? Jam kerja, suka-sukanya kita. Lobbying klien (jie...) bisa sambil pake piyama aja (di kamar, sambil nongkrongin komputer, tentunya). Bonus? Ah... kalau ini sih di mana-mana juga sama. Bonus baru bisa didapat kalau kita mau kerja keras dan kerja cerdas. Nggak bisa ongkang-ongkang kaki dan mengharap kejatuhan bulan. Tapi ini betul-betul bisnis prospektif, kukira. Saat ini aku sedang merentas jalan untuk mencapai sukses. Dua tahun lagi, tiga tahun lagi. Insya Allah CR-V bisa kumiliki ;)
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Success Plan-Oriflame |
Getting ready to work hard again in 2011. How many time do you want to jump higher to the next level? Set starting today. Make a proposal of life, a realistic one but challenging enough. Move forward, work hard, work smart. Along with DBC-N, we certainly can! Want to join us? Fill this form now. Get a lot of advantages to join the first group online. The fastest development group in Indonesia, and also the fastest in Asia. Wow ...!
I'm already in the right group, so I can catch the spirit and work ethic, can be studied from my kind upliners, and also encouraged by the passionate downliners (as upliner, it's a shame to lose the spirit compare to my downline)
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My dream green CR-V |
The annual membership fee is quite small, only IDR 39 900,-. Working system is ready to be downloaded, read and applied. Gifts and variety of free product or discounts available anytime. What do you expect for more by working in dBC-N like this? Working hours, is up to us. Lobbying clients (jie. ..) we can do it while we are in our bedroom, wearing pyjamas in front of computer. Bonus? Well ... I think it does the same everywhere. Bonuses can only be gained when we work hard and work smart. Can not do nothing and expect the falling stars. But this is truly a prospective business, I suppose. Right now I'm on my way to achieve success. Two years later from now, or three more years at the latest, as God willing, I might own my free CR-V ;)
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